“Volume III Perceptions Dec 1998 - Feb 1999”

This volume of the Perceptions consists of ten articles. First article written by Üner Kırdar proposes trilogical categorization of human rights which are human rights, sustainable human development and human security.

Publication Language: English


Volume III Perceptions Dec 1998 - Feb 1999

This volume of the Perceptions consists of ten articles. First article written by Üner Kırdar proposes trilogical categorization of human rights which are human rights, sustainable human development and human security. Second article belongs to Tamer Bacınoğlu and he explores the question of minority rights from the perspective of human rights. Safa Reisoğlu adresses the dimension of right to life as a basic human right and focused on rules and restrictions for right to life in detail. Furthermore, Rıza Türmen seeks way to explain the phenemenon of multiculturalism and changing nature of public sphere.

Michael Stephan aims to reveal the situation of people of Western Thrace in terms of human rights protection based on 1923 Treaty of Lausanne. Mesut Şenol who is the advisor at the Prime Minister’s Office, responsible for human rights shed light on the development and achivement of human rights in Türkiye based on his experiences. Hikmet Sami Türk who is State Minister in Charge of Human Rights emphasised on human rights in Türkiye. Heribert Golsong finds out the dichotomy of law and politics in decision making at the 45th anniversary of European Convention of Human Rights. Gündüz Aktan who is the retired ambassador, delves into relations between European Parliament and Türkiye from the perspective of human rights especially for issue of PKK. Ayşegül Baydar Aydıngün provide insights into deportation issue of Ahıska Turks after dissolution of Soviet Unions.

Download Üner Kırdar's A Trilogy Of Basic Human Concerns: Human Rights; Sustainable Human Development; Human Security Article

Download Tamer Bacınoğlu's The Human Rights Of Globalisation:the Question Of Minority Rights Article

Download Safa Reisoğlu's Right to Life Article

Download Rıza Türmen's On Multiculturalism Article

Download Michael Stephen's The Human Rights Of The Turkish Minority In Western Thrace Article

Download Mesut Şenol's Latest Developments Regarding Human Rights In Turkey Article

Download Hikmet Sami Türk's Human Rights in Turkey Article

Download Heribert Golsong's European Convention Of Human Rights: 45 Years Of Implementation Article

Download Gündüz Aktan's The European Parliament And Turkey Article

Download Ayşegül Baydar Aydıngün's A Deported Nationality: The Ahiska Turks Article



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