“Volume IV Perceptions Sep - Nov 1999”

In this edition of our journal, we delve deep into the intricate and longstanding Cyprus problem, examining various perspectives and proposed solutions.

Publication Language: English


Volume IV Perceptions Sep - Nov 1999

In this edition of our journal, we delve deep into the intricate and longstanding Cyprus problem, examining various perspectives and proposed solutions. Zaim M. Necatiğil provides a critical examination of the European Court of Human Rights' judgment in the Loizidou case, shedding light on the complexities of human rights issues in the region. H.E. Rauf R. Denktaş offers critical examination of the events leading up to the Cyprus problem, particularly focusing on the failure of the Zurich and London Agreements of 1960. Denktaş provides a detailed historical account, highlighting the Greek Cypriot pursuit of enosis (union with Greece) and the subsequent resistance by the Turkish Cypriot community, which ultimately resulted in inter-communal clashes and the breakdown of the constitutional order. Mümtaz Soysal proposes a solution for Cyprus through statehood, advocating for a fresh approach to address the longstanding conflict. Soysal's article emphasizes the importance of recognizing the TRNC as a legitimate state and treating both Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots as equal partners in negotiations. M. Necati Münir Ertekün critiques the handling of the Loizidou case, highlighting what he perceives as a miscarriage of justice. M. Ergün Olgun presents a new and realistic approach to the Cyprus issue, emphasizing the need for innovative strategies to achieve lasting peace and stability. Haluk Kabaalıoğlu explores the implications of Greek Cypriot application for European Union membership, analyzing its impact on the broader geopolitical landscape. Dieter Blumenwitz's paper addresses the international rejection of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), the complexities of property rights arising from Cyprus's division, arguments for acknowledging the TRNC's de facto regime status, critique of the European Court of Human Rights' judgment in the Loizidou Case, and the necessity of a political settlement to address property claims and resolve the broader Cyprus issue. Clement H. Dodd delves into the concepts of confederation, federation, and sovereignty, providing a theoretical framework for understanding potential solutions to the Cyprus problem. He suggests that confederal arrangements, while allowing for joint governance, should preserve the distinct identities of the Greek and Turkish Cypriot communities to avoid endangering Turkish Cypriot identity. Barry Bartmann explores the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and other unrecognized states in the international system, shedding light on the challenges they face in navigating the global political arena.

Download Zaim M. Necatigil's Judgement Of The European Court Of Human Rights In The Loizidou Case: A Critical Examination Article

Download Rauf R. Denktaş's The Crux of the Cyprus Problem Article

Download Mümtaz Soysal's A Solution for Cyprus Through Statehood Article

Download M. Necati Münir Ertekün's The Loizidou Case: A Miscarriage Of Justice Article

Download M. Ergün Olgun's Cyprus: A New and Realistic Approach Article

Download Haluk Kabaalioğlu's Greek Cypriot Application For European Union Membership Article

Download Dieter Blumenwitz's Cyprus: Political and Legal Realities Article

Download Clement H. Dodd's Confederation, Federation and Sovereignty Article

Download Barry Bartmann's Facing New Realities:the Turkish Republic Of Northern Cyprus And Unrecognised States In The International System Article



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