“Volume IX Perceptions Winter 2004”

Eddie J. Girdner's examination of pre-emptive war in the case of Iraq sheds light on the complexities of military intervention and its consequences, providing valuable insights into the dynamics of international conflict.

Publication Language: English


Volume IX Perceptions Winter 2004

Eddie J. Girdner's examination of pre-emptive war in the case of Iraq sheds light on the complexities of military intervention and its consequences, providing valuable insights into the dynamics of international conflict.Kudret Özersay's analysis of the excuse of state necessity and its implications on the Cyprus conflict offers a comprehensive understanding of the legal and political dimensions of the ongoing dispute, highlighting the challenges of conflict resolution. Nadir Devlet's exploration of Türkiye's energy policy in the next decade provides valuable insights into the country's strategic priorities and challenges in the realm of energy security and geopolitics. Yelda Demirağ's analysis of EU policy towards South Caucasus and Türkiye offers valuable insights into the dynamics of EU-Türkiye relations and the EU's role in regional stability and integration.

Murat Karagöz's examination of the US arms embargo against Türkiye after 30 years provides a comprehensive analysis of US policy-making processes and their implications for bilateral relations, highlighting the complexities of arms trade and diplomacy. Gonzalo Escribano and Alejandro Lorca's analysis of the ups and downs of Europeanization in external relations, drawing insights from the Spanish experience, offers valuable lessons for understanding the dynamics of EU integration and external relations. Anton Bebler's exploration of NATO and transnational terrorism sheds light on the challenges and opportunities of collective security in the face of asymmetric threats, providing valuable insights into NATO's evolving role in combating terrorism.

Download Eddie J. Girdner's Pre-emptive War: The Case of Iraq Article

Download Kudret Özersay's The Excuse of State Necessity And Its Implications on the Cyprus Conflict Article

Download Nadir Devlet's Turkey’s Energy Policy in the Next Decade Article

Download Yelda Demirağ's EU Policy towards South Caucasus and Turkey Article

Download Murat Karagöz's US Arms Embargo against Turkey - after 30 YearsAn Institutional Approach towards US Policy Making Article

Download Gonzalo Escribano & Alejandro Lorca's The Ups and Downs of Europeanisation in External Relations: Insights from the Spanish Experience Article

Download Anton Bebler's NATO and Transnational Terrorism Article



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