“Volume VI Perceptions June - Aug 2001”

Walter Schwimmer's insightful analysis offers a glimpse into the potential trajectory of Türkiye's engagement within the Council of Europe, highlighting the country's evolving role in European governance.

Publication Language: English


Volume VI Perceptions June - Aug 2001

Walter Schwimmer's insightful analysis offers a glimpse into the potential trajectory of Türkiye's engagement within the Council of Europe, highlighting the country's evolving role in European governance. Şaban Kardaş delves into the intricate evolution of humanitarian intervention, shedding light on its conceptual development and practical applications, providing valuable perspectives on global humanitarian efforts. Özlem Tür Kavli's examination of Islamist movements in the Arab world unveils the complexities of political protest intertwined with religious ideology, offering essential insights into regional dynamics. Michael Moran's analysis of Cyprus and the 1960 accords unravels the intricate interplay between nationalism and internationalism, shedding light on the enduring complexities of the island's geopolitical landscape.

Leonard A. Stone's exploration of Turkish foreign policy outlines its four pillars of tradition, providing a comprehensive framework for understanding Türkiye's diplomatic engagements and strategic priorities. İhsan Dağı navigates the complex terrain of human rights, foreign policy, and intervention, probing the ethical and strategic considerations that shape global responses to humanitarian crises. Elkhan Nuriyev's examination of the South Caucasus illuminates geopolitical breakthroughs and emerging challenges in the region, highlighting the complexities of regional dynamics and their implications for international relations. Dov Waxman's analysis of Ehud Barak's political trajectory offers a poignant reflection on leadership and power dynamics in Israeli politics, tracing the rise and fall of a prominent figure. Birol Akgün's scrutiny of democratization and minority rights in the post-communist Balkan states provides insights into the challenges and opportunities inherent in political transitions, offering valuable lessons for inclusive governance. Abdel Monem Said Aly's exploration of hot bargaining in the Middle East in 2001 offers a sobering reflection on power dynamics and diplomatic maneuvers, providing insights into regional geopolitics during a critical juncture in history.

Download Yücel Güçlü's İsmet İnönü And The Making Of Modern Turkey By Faruk Loğoğlu Book Review

Download Walter Schwimmer's The Future Path Of Turkey Within The Council Of Europe Article

Download Şaban Kardaş's Humanitarian Intervention: The Evolution Of The Idea And Practice Article

Download Özlem Tür Kavlı's Protest In The Name Of God: Islamist Movements In The Arab World Article

Download Michael Moran's Cyprus And The 1960 Accords: Nationalism And Internationalism Article

Download Leonard A Stone's Turkish Foreign Policy: Four Pillars Of Tradition Article

Download İhsan Dağı's Human Rights, Foreign Policy And The Question Of Intervention Article

Download Elkhan Nuriyev's Geopolitical Breakthrough And Emerging Challenges: The Case Of The South Caucasus Article

Download Dov Waxman's A Tragic Hero: The Decline And Fall Of Ehud Barak Article

Download Birol Akgün's Democratisation And Minority Rights In The Post-communist Balkan States Article

Download Abdel Monem Said Aly's Hot Bargaining: The Middle East 2001 Article



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