“Volume VIII Perceptions June - Aug 2003”

In this edition of Perceptions (June-August 2003), the focus is on the complexities of Euro-Mediterranean relations and the evolving security dynamics in the region.

Publication Language: English


Volume VIII Perceptions June - Aug 2003

In this edition of Perceptions (June-August 2003), the focus is on the complexities of Euro-Mediterranean relations and the evolving security dynamics in the region. Rachid Driss offers insightful reflections on the challenges facing the Euro-Mediterranean partnership, emphasizing the need for addressing underlying issues hindering cooperation. Ouelhadj Ferdious examines the factors driving changes in security perceptions across the Mediterranean, providing valuable insights into regional security dynamics. Martin Ortega provides critical commentary on the European Union's Mediterranean policy, highlighting areas for improvement and suggesting potential pathways for enhancing cooperation. H.E. Ugo Mifsud Bonnici discusses the prospects for a common policy towards Africa, offering perspectives on the EU's role in shaping Africa-Europe relations. Gilles Veinstein explores the historical interactions between Suleiman the Magnificent and Christianity, shedding light on the complexities of religious and political antagonisms in the Mediterranean region. Franco Cardini presents the Italian perspective on the Mediterranean Community and its relationship with the EU, offering valuable insights into Italy's strategic interests. M. Fatih Tayfur discusses the implications of Susan Strange's theories in the context of the Eastern Mediterranean, providing a fresh perspective on regional economic and political dynamics. Emad Gad shares an Egyptian viewpoint on the EU's role in the Middle East, offering insights into Egypt's aspirations and concerns regarding Euro-Mediterranean relations. Dimitris K. Xenakis explores Greece's contribution to strengthening Euro-Mediterranean relations, emphasizing the country's role as a bridge between Europe and the Mediterranean region. Àlvaro de Vasconcelos discusses the significance of security as a component of comprehensive policy, highlighting its role in fostering stability and cooperation. Abdelkader Lahlou examines the integration of the Moroccan economy into the new Euromediterranean strategy and space, offering insights into Morocco's efforts to leverage its economic potential within the framework of Euro-Mediterranean cooperation.

Download Rachid Driss's Thoughts On Euro-mediterranean Partnership Problems Article

Download Ouelhadj Ferdiou's Security Perceptions In The Mediterranean: Which Factors For Change? Article

Download Martin Ortega's Some Comments On The European Union’s Mediterranean Policy Article

Download H.E. Ugo Mifsud Bonnici's A Common Policy Towards Africa? Article

Download Gilles Veinstein's Sulayman The Magnificent And Christianity: The Limits Of An Antogonism Article

Download Franco Cardini's The Mediterranean Community And The EU: The Italian Perspective Article

Download M. Fatih Tayfur's Susan Strange Goes To The Eastern Mediterranean Article

Download Emad Gad's The EU And The Middle East: An Egyptian View Article

Download The Contribution Of Greece To Strengthening Euro-Mediterranean Relations Article

Download Àlvaro de Vasconcelos Security As A Component Of Compherensive Policy Article

Download Abdelkader Lahlou's The Integration Of The Moroccan Ecomony Into The New Euro-Mediterranean Strategy And Space: The Partnership Agreement Between Morrocco And The European Union Article



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