“Volume VIII Perceptions Sep - Nov 2003”

In this issue, diverse perspectives are offered on key issues shaping regional dynamics and international relations.

Publication Language: English


Volume VIII Perceptions Sep - Nov 2003

In this issue, diverse perspectives are offered on key issues shaping regional dynamics and international relations. Zuhal Yeşilyurt Gündüz provides valuable insights into Turkey's evolving relationship with the EU, offering perspectives from within Turkey on the country's approach and challenges in its EU accession process. Zeliha Sezgin Khashman delves into the complexities of peacemaking in the Cyprus case, highlighting the need for creating conducive conditions for reconciliation and resolution of the longstanding conflict. Şaban Kardaş explores the potential lessons NATO can draw from the EU's approach to flexibility, offering insights into how NATO could adapt to emerging security challenges. Sa'eb Erekat shares thoughts on the road map for peace, offering perspectives on the prospects and challenges of achieving lasting peace in the Middle East. Robert L. Larsson analyzes the process of reorganizing security in Georgia, shedding light on the country's efforts towards reform and modernization in the security sector. Hasan Ulusoy revisits the concept of security communities after the Cold War from a constructivist perspective, offering insights into how identities and norms shape security dynamics in the contemporary era. Franz von Daeniken examines Switzerland's foreign policy towards Central Asia, exploring the motivations behind Switzerland's engagement in the region and its implications for regional dynamics. Aydın Babuna explores Albanian national identity and the role of Islam in the post-communist era, offering insights into the complex interplay between religion, politics, and identity in Albania's transition period.

Download Zuhal Yeşilyurt Gündüz's Turkey’s Approach Towards The EU: Views From Within Article

Download Zeliha Sezgin Khasman's Creating Conditions For Peacemaking: The Cyprus Case Article

Download Saban Kardas's Inserting Flexibility Into NATO? Article

Download Sa'eb Erakat's Road Map To Where? Article

Download Robert L. Larsson's Reorganizing Security: New Glasnost And Perestroika In Georgia Article

Download Hasan Ulusoy's Revisiting Security Communities After The Cold War: The Constructivist Perspective Article

Download Franz von Daeniken's Why And How Does Switzerland Care About Central Asia? Swiss Foreign Policy Towards Central Asia Article

Download Aydın Babuna's Albanian National Identity And Islam In The Post-Communist Era Article



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