“Volume XIII Perceptions Spring - Summer 2008”

In this issue of 6 articles, Zahid Shahab Ahmet and Stuti Bhatnagar state that inter-state conflicts within South Asia have hindered the effectiveness of regional cooperation efforts.

Publication Language: English


Volume XIII Perceptions Spring - Summer 2008

In this issue of 6 articles, Zahid Shahab Ahmet and Stuti Bhatnagar state that inter-state conflicts within South Asia have hindered the effectiveness of regional cooperation efforts. Therefore, the paper aims to shed light on this issue and offers recommendations to overcome such challenges and promote regionalism in South Asia. In her article, Almula Türedi emphasizes the importance of understanding both internal and external factors influencing Lebanon's political situation to address its longstanding conflicts effectively. The author argues that attempts by external forces to broker peace agreements overlook the complexities of Lebanon's internal dynamics, including its diverse religious minorities, weak central state, violent history etc. Andy Bunce aims to explain that terrorism should be understood as a form of communication through violence, requiring those responsible for security to grasp the messages and motivations behind it to effectively counter it. He argues against the term 'Islamic terrorism,' suggesting that terrorism often stems from nationalistic rather than purely religious motivations. Esra Lagro’s work focuses on well-known anti-Turkish sentiment of President Sarkozy. In her work, she demonstrates that domestic constraints and international priorities combined constitute the ground for the negative opinion about Turkish membership in France. Greg Simon looks at the role of mass media, how mass media was used to gain support from the American public and the relationship maintained between mass media and the various actors involved in Iraq. Mehmet Dikkaya and Deniz Özyakışır presents the major dynamics of emerging regional economic cooperation among Georgia, Türkiye and Azerbaijan by focusing on infrastructural cooperation (such as transportation, telecommunication, and pipeline projects) and factor movements (such as trade in goods and services, labor and capital flows) among these countries.

Download Zahid Shabab Ahmet & Stuti Bhatnagar's Interstate Conflicts and Regionalism in South Asia: Prospects and Challanges Article

Download Almula Türedi's Lebanon: At The Edge Of Another Civil War Article

Download Andy Bunce's How, If At All, Can An Understanding Of Criminal Theory Assist A Security Manager In The Prevention Of Terrorism? Article

Download Esra Largo's Why Is President Sarkozy Actually Against Turkish Accession To The EU? Facts And Challenges Article

Download Greg Simons's Mass Media And The Battle For Public Opinion In The Global War On Terror: Violence And Legitimacy In Iraq Article

Download Mehmet Dikkaya & Deniz Özyakışır's Developing Regional Cooperation Among Turkey, Georgia And Azerbaijan: Importance Of Regional Projects Article



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