“Volume XX Winter 2015”
This volume of the Perceptions consist of five invaluable articles. First article belongs to Daniel Mitov which evaluates the role of South-East European Cooperation Process as a regional mechanism to provide integration of the region to Europe.

Volume XX Winter 2015
This volume of the Perceptions consist of five invaluable articles. First article belongs to Daniel Mitov which evaluates the role of South-East European Cooperation Process as a regional mechanism to provide integration of the region to Europe. Second article written by Sedef Eylemer elaborate on the debates over a future model of integration for post-crisis Europe. Moreover, Bilgin Özkan reveals the changing structure of Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs after introduction of Information and Communication Technologies in the workplace and offers some views about advantages of using ICTs in foreign policy-making. Hassan Barari contextualize the intricate dynamics of the regime’s insistence on reproducing the non-democratic status quo during the Arab Spring and question whether this might lead to instability in the long term in Jordan. Last article written by Onur İşçi seeks to demonstrate the well nuanced yet often mono-causal notions vocalized by American scholars of Cold War triumphalism towards Moscow.

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