“Volume XXI Summer 2016”
First article in this volume of the Perceptions starts with the article written by Hamdi Akın Ünver which aims to explain the reason behind the risk of third parties in European politics. Second article belong to Mustafa Yağcı explains the concept of “Beijing Consensus” and attempts to show its influence of developing countries in terms of changing international political economy structure. Furthermore, Murat ÜLGÜL evaluates the tendency of soldiers for use of force by taking the case of first and second Intifadas. Afterwards, Toomas Warrak’s article is about the The Secret Dossier of Finnish Marshal C. G. E. Mannerheim. Lastly, Murat Ağdemir’s article explore the changing dynamcis and relations between Israel and South Cyprus Greek Administration.

Volume XXI Summer 2016
First article in this volume of the Perceptions starts with the article written by Hamdi Akın Ünver which aims to explain the reason behind the risk of third parties in European politics. Second article belong to Mustafa Yağcı explains the concept of “Beijing Consensus” and attempts to show its influence of developing countries in terms of changing international political economy structure. Furthermore, Murat ÜLGÜL evaluates the tendency of soldiers for use of force by taking the case of first and second Intifadas. Afterwards, Toomas Warrak’s article is about the The Secret Dossier of Finnish Marshal C. G. E. Mannerheim. Lastly, Murat Ağdemir’s article explore the changing dynamcis and relations between Israel and South Cyprus Greek Administration.

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