Sam Papers La política Exterior de Turquía en el Siglo XXI: La Diplomacia Cultural y el Poder Blando / Turkey's Foreign Policy in the 21st Century: Cultural Diplomacy and Soft Power
Sam Papers No.9

SAM Papers La política Exterior de Turquía en el Siglo XXI: La Diplomacia Cultural y el Poder Blando / Turkey's Foreign Policy in the 21st Century: Cultural Diplomacy and Soft Power

March 1, 2014
8 minute read

The Justice and Development Party has been shaping Turkey's foreign policy since 2002, both in form and style. As part of this, today one can speak of a new Turkish foreign policy with priorities, institutions and approaches to other parts of the world, such as Latin America, Africa, Asia and other regions. It is therefore truly global in its orientation and creative in terms of external projection, as it makes more frequent use of elements such as cultural diplomacy and soft power. This article attempts to contextualize the cultural elements and institutions underpinning Turkey's foreign policy soft power.



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