“Volume XX Spring 2015”
Kireççi's article delves into the nuanced dynamics of humanitarian diplomacy, bridging theoretical frameworks with real-world applications to elucidate effective strategies for addressing global crises.

Volume XX Spring 2015
Kireççi's article delves into the nuanced dynamics of humanitarian diplomacy, bridging theoretical frameworks with real-world applications to elucidate effective strategies for addressing global crises. Mahdavi's contribution offers a penetrating postcolonial critique of the concept of Responsibility to Protect (R2P) as applied in the Middle East, highlighting the complexities and challenges inherent in external intervention. Bruce Gilley's piece examines the role of Turkey as a middle power in the context of humanitarianism, shedding light on its evolving stance and contributions within the framework of global humanitarian efforts. Işıl Acehan's article explores the historical legacy of Ottoman immigrants in the United States and their instrumental role in the formation of Turkish Red Crescent Societies, offering valuable insights into the intersection of migration, humanitarianism, and community building. Jinan Bastaki delves into the critical issue of representation for Palestinian refugees, shedding light on the marginalization of their voices within the broader discourse surrounding the Palestine question.
Mark Wild explores the evolving landscape of humanitarian aid and intervention, focusing on China's burgeoning role in African development initiatives, showcasing its impact and implications. Samiratou Dipama and Emel Parlar Dal offer a comprehensive examination of the effectiveness of political conditionality in promoting democracy, drawing on case studies from Zimbabwe, Ivory Coast, and Niger, to illuminate the complexities and challenges inherent in this approach within the framework of EU policies. K. Ali Akkemik's insightful article delves into the dynamics of rapid economic growth in China, scrutinizing its sustainability amidst various socio-economic factors, offering valuable insights into the intricacies of China's development trajectory.

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