“XXVIII Perceptions Journal of International Affairs Autumn - Winter 2023”
This volume of the our journal includes 6 articles.

XXVIII Perceptions Journal of International Affairs Autumn - Winter 2023
This volume of the our journal includes 6 articles. Among them, Muhammet Koçak evaluates Russia’s military involvement in Syria by emhasizing on historical continuity of Russian foreign policy towards Syria. Second article written by Göktuğ Kıprızlı is about the importance of climate-induced security risks on the future of securitization process for the NATO’s Strategic Framework. Huriye Yıldırım Çınar together with Adem Özer seek out the reasons behind the internal stability in Sudan by considering the internal and external factors.
Mehmet Ali Ak and Hamza Yurteri scrutinize the hegemonic structure and power transitions between The US, UK, and most currently China from the perspective of neo-Gramscian theory. Bilal Emre Biral, examines the Ottoman and Britain relations in the Gulf during the reign of Abdulhamid II by explaining the role and significance of the Gulf region for both of the empires. Lastly, İpek Z. Ruacan discussed the Raison de système which could present new perspectives to interpret international system.

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