“XXVIII Perceptions Journal of International Affairs Spring - Summer 2023”
There are 6 articles in this issue specially prepared for the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Turkey.

XXVIII Perceptions Journal of International Affairs Spring - Summer 2023
This special issue includes six articles. The first group of articles elaborates on contemporary issues of Turkish diplomacy. In his article, Ambassador Dr. Hasan Ulusoy emphasizes the continuity in Turkish foreign policy in the Republican era through the theoretical perspective of social constructivism. Ambassador (R) Numan Hazar provides an overview of the development of Türkiye’s relations with the African countries, particularly in the post-Cold War period. Similarly, focusing on the Republican era, Ebru Canan Sokullu and Ambassador Gülşen Karanis Ekşioğlu seek to explore the role of women in Turkish foreign policy by focusing on the concept of gender turn.
The second group of articles in this issue focuses on the Ottoman and early Republican periods including the piece by Onur Birkan, who elaborates on the institutional evolution of the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the 1808-1908 period. Similarly, Zeynep Bostan highlights the activities of Ahmed Tevfik Pasha, who served as the Ottoman Minister of Foreign Affairs during the reign of Sultan Abdulhamid II, while Aydın Çakmak discusses the significance of the Paris Representation in the development of Turkish diplomacy from the start of the National Struggle in Anatolia to the foundation of the Republic of Türkiye.

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